Saturday, June 2, 2012

Summer Time - Finally Here (Almost)

So, Summer, while officially, weeks away, is only one week away - insofar as school being done. The school year was a transitional one - first time AK was in a regular classroom setting. Until now, for his entire life, he had been in a setting where everyone was in Special Education.

While there were bumps along the way this year, all in all, he succeeded. In hugh part due to the school - it was a new charter school, and everyone was determined to give all a fair chance to make it. He made it, after seeing that the school was serious about getting rid of troublemakers.

Now, we have to figure out plans for the Summer. Two weeks away at camp, for sure. Not certain what else... but just glad to finally have the school year ending.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Moving Forward

Damn. One year since I last posted.

I also may need to rethink the name of the blog, given the AK is 12, closing in on 13 years of age.

So, what can I say about having decided late in life to adopt? I can say that it is worth it - despite the times that I long for some downtime. Watching him grow, worrying over his future choices, hoping we can do all we can to influence those choices - yes, all worth it.

Realizing that he is not a projection of me, my desires, but he is going to be whomever he is; that has been one of the most difficult things for me. Giving him the space to grow, watching him grow; all these make it worth it.

He is no longer in a special ed class - first time in his life that this has happened. Yes, there are struggles but he seems to have things under control, relatively speaking.